Lack of COVID-19 Mask at Star Casino in Australia Leads to Broken Thumb, Lawsuit

Lack of COVID-19 Mask at Star Casino in Australia Leads to Broken Thumb, Lawsuit

What began as a simple reminder for a casino patron in Australia to use a facemask during the COVID-19 pandemic has turned into a much bigger issue. That request caused a chain of events that led to a broken thumb for a gambler and a lawsuit for Star Entertainment and its Star Gold Coast casino in Queensland.

The Star Gold Coast casino resort in Queensland at dusk
The Star Gold Coast casino resort in Queensland at dusk. A gambler is suing the casino over injuries he received last year. (Image:

Australian media outlet Courier Mail reports that Jamie Crompton is looking for restitution. Alleged rough handling on the part of the casino’s security guards left him with a debilitating injury and trauma.

As a result, he’s suing for AUD300,000 (US$205,590). The past couple of years have brought a lot of legal problems for Star, although this one barely appears on the radar.

How They Got Here

In February of last year, Crompton took a trip to the Star Gold Coast casino. He made it all the way to a gaming table before the croupier asked him to wear a COVID-19 facemask.

At the time, facemasks were still mandatory in Queensland. Crompton asserts in his lawsuit that he told the croupier that he wasn’t aware of the requirement, but immediately complied.

However, per his version of the night’s events, that wasn’t enough to cause the issue to die. The unidentified table dealer then told Crompton that he was too drunk to play and would have to leave the casino.

He rejected the assertion and “calmly advised” the croupier that he was wrong, according to the lawsuit. At this point, the croupier called for security personnel to remove Crompton from the premises.

The guards intervened as requested, but allegedly didn’t try to resolve the situation peacefully. Crompton asserts that they threw him to the floor and “forcefully” held him down with his wrists behind his back.

As they did, they maintained unnecessary pressure on his body and arms. They also had his left wrist in an awkward position that exacerbated an old injury. That injury had led to a metal plate being installed in the wrist.

Even though he tried to get the guards to ease up, they didn’t. For almost three minutes, they held him on the floor before picking him up and escorting him outside. That trip was even worse for Crompton, as he claims the guards increased the force with which they kept him subdued.

Crompton left, and that seemed to be the end of the incident for Star. However, as the casino operator would find out over a year later, it was far from over.

Excruciating Pain and Agony

As a result of the unnecessary “assault,” Crompton claims he had to seek treatment for a fractured thumb and sprained fingers. He also had facial abrasions and back pain from the guards’ actions.

The 37-year-old construction worker was forced to take an unexpected vacation since the injuries impacted his job. He was also left with stress, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

That led to the lawsuit, which Crompton believes is a fair amount for lost income, therapy and medication. Star’s point of view is unclear, as it refused to comment.

The case is still making its way through Queensland’s legal system. However, if there were odds offered on the legal fight, backing an out-of-court settlement would be the smartest choice.

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