Casino Thief in Argentina Kills Partner for Refusing To Continue Life of Crime

Casino Thief in Argentina Kills Partner for Refusing To Continue Life of Crime

After participating in various crimes across Argentina, including an armed robbery of at least one casino, a thief decided it was time to rethink his life choices. His partner, however, had other plans and killed him in cold blood for having a change of heart.

A police vehicle in Argentina responding to a call
A police vehicle in Argentina responding to a call. A thief who had robbed various commercial establishments, including a casino, killed his partner who didn’t want to continue a life of crime. (Image: Associated Press)

Local media outlet Telefe Noticias, using police reports, explained that Carlos Diez couldn’t handle the rejection. The thief became enraged when his buddy, Marcelo Ramón Villagra, told him that he would not continue to be a part of his band of hooligans.

The decision to turn his life around turned fatal for Ramón, although Diez will pay the price for his actions. Police caught up with him not long after he committed the heinous act.

Life Of Crime Hits New Level

Police reports indicate that the criminals had been robbing businesses in various parts of the country for several years. Among their many targets was an unidentified casino, which resulted in the theft of ARS100,000 (US$481.10) and landed Diez in prison.

He walked out a free man and picked up where he left off. Reuniting with old acquaintances like Ramón, it was time for Diez to continue his preferred profession.

Off and on, they would hit local businesses together, although the haul, like that of the casino heist, was never that great. When Ramón told Diez that he would not continue committing crimes, the career criminal began to yell at him before storming off.

However, Diez returned shortly after with a knife. Without saying a word, he approached his friend and accomplice, stabbing him several times. As Ramón was taking his final breaths, Diez reportedly stated

For some reason that could only make sense in the mind of Diez, he left a witness. Ramón’s girlfriend was at the scene of the crime and saw the whole thing.

She immediately notified the authorities, who tracked down and arrested Diez. Once he makes his way through the court system, he faces up to 40 years in prison.

Illegal Gambling Ring Busted

A new operation against illegal gambling just took place in the Argentine province of Formosa. Police officers dismantled a clandestine gambling hall in the town of San Martín Dos that was operating right under everyone’s noses.

A police statement about the bust explained that during a routine patrol, officers came across a crowd of people in a house. As soon as they saw the police, they fled, but not without trying to escape with their winnings and gambling paraphernalia.

The only one who couldn’t escape was the owner of the house. He admitted to running the illegal gambling operations, as well as illegally serving alcohol without a license.

The police arrested the unnamed individual and seized what evidence remained. They later released him on charges of illegal gambling, with prosecutors now building their case before sending him before a judge.

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